Subject: Newer Power Manager driver for PowerBook series is released
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Takashi Hamada <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1997 17:54:10
Greetings all,

I am pleased to announce that newer version of the Power Manager driver 
for PowerBook series is released. It enables the NetBSD/mac68k to access
the Power Manager in the PowerBooks and enables to use the ADB interface
of the PowerBook series. This driver should work on the PB 1XX series,
PB Duo series and PB 5XX series.

I made following changes from former release:
    1. fixed some minor bugs
    2. early support for the PowerBook 1XX series hardware
Support for the PowerBook 1XX series hardware is in experimental state.
I've confirmed that it worked well on the PB170.

I've made a (very simple :-) WWW page for introducing this driver.
Sources and patches are available at:

Test kernels for PB140/145/170 and PB5XX series is also available at there.
These kernels may not work on the PB160-180 models and Duo series.
But, I suppose they may work with Michael Zucca's intvid code.


 Takashi Hamada