Subject: Re: MacBSD booter freezes
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Alex Precosky <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 23:23:37
Alex Precosky wrote:
> I'm trying to run MacBSD on my MacII, and the booter freezes when its
> just about done booting and its going to restart in BSD, but just before
> it does, it freezes when its still in macOS! I have 32-bit addressing
> on, I have a PMMU, and video is in 1-bit mode. Its an apple hi res video
> card. Anyone got any tips to help me out?
> Alex

I just realized that a LOT of people are also having this problem.
Anyone know of any cases in which it was fixed? Strange occurence,
especially since it happens even on systems that are known to work. 

Also, how is the 040 work coming along? Are any 040 systems bootable
with a current kernel yet?