Subject: Re: pppd
To: Michael Peters <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 19:17:15
> On Sun, 29 Dec 1996, Richard Barker wrote:
> > as it turns out
> > i log on to UU.NET every day
> > NOT
> >
> > therefor my DOMAINNAME would be at UU.NET
> > however both my local host and UU.NET's connection are dynamic
> > mine would be
> > and UU.NETS
> > with the zeroes representing wildcards
> > * - wildcard also
> > I can reinstall ppp.setup.tgz till Im blue in the face but it still wont 
> > fix my connection problems
> > as listed in freePPP I conact a server named eln_thxrci
> > and my username is ELN/thxrci
> > of course how would unix like this
> > s/\$LOGIN/ELN/thxrci/g
> > it wouldnt


I don't know if you've gotten an answer, but this one's easy. The "s" substitution
command uses the next character as the delimiter. So if you've got a "/"
in the text, use a different delimeter. Try something like
s@\$LOGIN@ELN/thxrci@g (here "@" is the delimiter) and see what happens.

> > the / would screw the whole thing up
> > perhaps i CANT dial up from my netbsd1.2 host 
> > which incidentaly is
> >

If you're calling in via earthlink, shouldn't your computer's domain be
set in the earthlink domain (or the domain, but I'm kinda confused
by your message as you say you use, but are complaining about, NOT the domain???

>   I'm not sure exactally what your problem is comming from, but I would 
> think there isn't anything wrong with pppd from netbsd's package.  I 
> would not be suprised that's dialup services are 
> proprietary, that would go with the territory (sux, but true).  One thing 
> I noticed above is you may want to check to ensure your machine is not 
> expecting a specific address, as won't assign you that 
> way... unless you've acquired an agreement with them otherwise (people 
> are usually stingy with their IP numbers)... you mentioned above that 
> your machine is expecting to be DNS will expect you 
> to have the same address every time, and won't want to 
> route like that. (if I'm reading it right, I'm not sure I am).
>   A question comes to mind how are you setting up your ppp connection?  I 
> would recommend using a command line like this:
> /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty00 19200 defaultroute connect '/usr/sbin/chat "" 
> atdt7518112 CONNECT "" ogin: <USER> assword: <PASSWORD>'


He's trying to use the ppp kit I put on puma (which admittedly needs some
help), so he just has to type "/etc/ppp/ppp-up" to get things working.
ppp-up is a script which calls up pppd.

Take care,
