Subject: Re: Part 9.12 of FAQ
To: Dinsdale Piranha <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 23:04:31
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Dinsdale Piranha wrote:

> Glad to see that the documentation has been updated (thanks Colin), but one
> thing seems to be missing: part 9.12 of the FAQ, which is supposed to
> explain why sound doesn't work under X.  Is this a mistake, or is the
> information just not ready yet?  :)

The bell has been fixed in the newest official unofficial X server that I
put on, but due to a number of delays (some technical, some
political), I still haven't managed to get the source tree available... or
patches to a stock tree, for that matter.
