Subject: Re: Latest Installer/Mkfs?
To: Josh Berdine <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/01/1997 16:55:56
>where can I get newer?  The reason I ask is that after partitioning my
>drive (an IBM Ultrastar ES 2.1 GM external from LaCie) with
>Silverlining 5.7 into a 350MB Root & Usr and a 36MB Swap with a couple
>HFS partitions filling the rest I ran Mkfs 1.2 on the Root & Usr
>partition and it gave me a warning to the effect that Extended SCSI
>Read/Write calls are needed for this partition and the resulting
>filesystem may be incompatible with the Installer.

This is just a warning that your partition crosses the 1Gig boundary. 
Accessing it requires some different SCSI commands which have been added 
to both Mkfs and to Installer 1.1, but as far as I know they've never 
been extensively tested.  If they work for you let us know and I'll 
remove the warning pop-up from Mkfs.
