Subject: Re: No response on some commands
To: sbeach <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/27/1996 12:30:24
> Hello:
> I've got 1.1 up and running on a IIx but when I enter some commands I
> get a
> "not found" response. I thought that maybe I've got to make a hash table
> or
> be in the same dir. as the command, but even when I am, I get that
> response. 
> If this is an "RTFM" question feel free to say so.
> Thanks for reading.
> - Scott

There are two likely possibilities here.  Do an ls -l on the directory 
containing the commands that you want to run.  If the first character on 
the line is something like an 's' or an 'r', then you have some 
filesystem damage.  Otherwise, check to make sure that you have execute 
permissions on the commands that you want to run.

I hope this works.


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX