Subject: Re: Hardware Miscellany
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: M.R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/06/1996 14:23:29
>On Wed, 5 Jun 1996, M.R. Zucca wrote:
>> I think what I'm looking at here is the hardware I/O space
>> getting mapped in at 0C00 The question is, does this work for everyone else?
>You don't mean that the actual _hardware_ is getting mapped at 0C00, do you???
>I thought that the things in 0C00, 0CC4, etc. were pointers.

Now I feel especially silly! A quick look in MacsBug shows that 0CEC contains
50F26000 - smack dab in hardware territory! I wasn't seeing the forest for
the trees! The physical address is trivial to find now!

The area around 0C00 must be a general hardware global area. Even though
0CEC is just a pointer some globals in this area still change when the
depth changes. I remember some earlier research showing that one address
holds the current bit depth.

This doesn't change things too much, however. What it does mean is that
I must make sure that both the low mem area of 0C00-0F00 is preserved *as well*
as the physical areas that they point to.

To memory gurus: are 0C00-0F00 and hardware space at 50fxxxxx preserved?
If so, life will be quite simple.

Other news: Odds are good that the fake SResources for internal video is at
the top of ROM. I also think I've got a search heuristic in mind.

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill