Subject: Thanks for the help
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/22/1995 11:03:18
Thanks for the help on the 32 bit problem.  Well It now boots further 
than it did... I have a new list of errors now.... (Sigh)...

Well now it gets to 
Automatic boot in progress: starting system checks.
Can't open /dev/rsd1a: Device not configured
Automatic file system check failed; help!
Enter pathname of shell of RETURN for sh:

then I start getting all of these errors stating that It can't start 
various daemons usually I get the Read-only file system at the end of 
these lines which is something that I need some input as well since my 
apple tech rep was saying that A/UX was picky about how the disk was 
partitioned and I used APS2.7.3 to partition the drive.  Is there any 
particular partition map that I should have used...

if I do this and then exit it will resume the startup giving me readonly
errors until it reaches the routed printer then it goes back to
Enter pathname of shell of RETURN for sh:
and won't let me go any further....

I have no problem with doing another install if I need to repartition so 
if anyone thinks that would help please send me the map that you think 
that I should use....

Thanks again

Kirk Boston System Admin/JOAT
PGCPS... MY OPINIONS mine.  mine.  mine.
It's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop at the end...
Never apologise your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe 
you anyway...