Subject: Re: No 'adduser'?
To: Chris Jones <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1995 22:36:23
> > I just got BSD1.1 from, but it seems an odd omission was made.
> > 'adduser' is missing.  Have I been hanging out with Linux folks too long,
> > or should this be there?  Where do I get it?
> I cobbled together an adduser script a while ago that does everything
> This script isn't as functional or robust as it really should be; it
> ought to do more password file locking, and it ought to accept more
> command-line arguments.  If there's sufficient interest, I'll work on
> it some more.  So far, though, I've only gotten one response on it.

See URL:

The man page is there too..

This works fine on NetBSD, SunOS, Solaris (ok Solaris really suck
badly but it does work), HP-UX and probably others.

It will use vipw so file locking etc is not an issue, and will
populate the user's home dir with default files if a suitable
prototype directory is available.

You can have it prompt you for user-id full name, or give it
everything on the command line.

I use it during automated system installation to ensure certain
accounts exist on all systems.

