Subject: Re: SCSI problems
To: Richard C. Graul <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/02/1995 09:38:12
> This kernel seems to work OK -- no crashes and no fs corruption.  When I 
> copied about 35 Mb to the drive which I was previously having problems 
> with, I did get the following message:
> free inode /u/109475 had 128 blocks

Hmmm..  And you had just run fsck before mounting and doing the copy?
I think that's not a good sign--perhaps some left-over problem that
fsck didn't find, but that message itself seems to be benign.

> 1) I am also using a MO with the write protect tab set.  Occaisionally, 
>    even when I'm not accessing that particular drive, I get the following 
>    message:
>    sd2(ncrscsi0:2:0): readonly device, data = XX

Hmmm...  Did you mount the fs read-only?  If not, it might be trying to
just 'sync'.

> 2) I have a swap set up for both sd0 and sd1.  When I boot, I get the 
>    following message:
>    swapon: /dev/sd1b: device not configured
>    Shouldn't the swaps be configured in GENERIC?

Yes and no.  GENERIC swap means 'look for swap on the same disk as
root'.  I'd prefer that it meant 'allow swap from anywhere'--but it
doesn't.  I think we should be able to add or remove any device to
the list of devices for swap.  As it is now, you'll have to add it
by hand to a kernel configuration file and rebuild the kernel.


Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
   Where does all my time go?  <a href="">Guess.</a>