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Re: LVM on NetBSD/i386 v6.1.4

Michael van Elst writes:

 > Unfortunately neither mirror nor snapshot are supported yet.

Too bad, then I'll continue using RAID1 for the moment.

 > >Assuming it is possible to generate (and use) mirror LVs, does anybody
 > >have any thoughts of RAIDframe RAID1 compared to LVM mirroring as a
 > >mean to ensure greater data safety?
 > LVM dm-based mirroring (on Linux) has a usability problem as it doesn't
 > handle errors gracefully. A failed mirror is almost silently converted into
 > a non-mirror. AFAIK more recent LVM versions try to use md-based mirroring
 > instead.

I am not sure I understand this point. I thought a failed mirror would
always be converted to a non-mirror. You just have to detect it and
fix it. And it is not that hard to fix/recreate a broken LVM mirror
(a non-mirror).

Are you saying that you can encounter data inconsistency on the healthy
disk in a Linux LVM, if a disk in a mirrored LVM volume breaks down?

(I have never experienced that with the AIX LVM, but of curse it is
another LVM).

Anyway, thank you for the reply.

Best regards
Email: i.m.martinsen(at)gmail.com
Running NetBSD/i386 v6.0

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