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Re: Looking for suggestions for small, low power machine

On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 08:47:21PM +0100, Mike Pumford wrote:
> >We used 128 MB cards in the past, but it's much easier with a 2 GB card
> >(and I like having man pages, gcc etc. available).  CF cards are getting
> >rare, though...
> >
> Not sure why you say that as it doesn't match my experience. I can walk 
> into pretty much any electronics shop around here and buy one off the 
> shelf. There are far to many digital cameras still in use that use them 
> as media for CF to disappear any time soon.

I have walked into local computer stores more than once and found no
CF cards at all..  but it might be better to look at camera stores

I have also had problems when trying to buy large quantities of CF
cards - our main supplier hasn't been able to find any reasonably
priced cards for us for a long time.


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