Subject: Re: Disk Partitioning for RAID
To: Graham Jenkins <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/19/2004 09:05:46
On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Graham Jenkins wrote:

> Does the end position of the c or d partition actually matter?=A0 On my b=
> they both seem to end at the end of the first physical partition on the
> disk.

=09c should cover the NetBSD part of the disk, d should cover the
=09entire disk.

> Also - are you saying that this won't work on a multi-OS disk?

=09The procedure I detailed is unlikely to work on a multi OS disk
=09without re-running fdisk.

> And finally - if I go with -current - is the procedure still the same?

=09With -current you should be able to partition and just install boot
=09blocks as normal. I have a new disk on order for a current box so
=09should be trying this out in the next week :)

=09=09David/absolute          -- No hype required --