Subject: make index and make readme in /usr/pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Frank Knappe <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/19/2002 13:00:42

I just tried to make a make index in /usr/pkgsrc an hour ago.
The system load is above 2 since then and it isn't ready yet.

I also tried a make readme yesterday evening and after aprox
90 min I had to kill this, because the computer is a little bit to 
noisy for sleeping. At this time the make process was somewhere
in the chat directory. I've tried  this today again and I only
come to this point:
===>  Creating README.html for pkgsrc
===>  Creating README.html for pkgsrc/archivers
===> Creating README.html for pkgsrc/archivers/arc-5.21e
 And nothing happened on the screen for the next 20 min, the load
reached >2.

My system is a 1.2GHz and 512MB RAM.

Are these make runs really so time consuming?

Ciao , Frank .