Subject: Re: 160GB IDE Drives under NetBSD?
To: NetBSD/i386 Discussion List <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/23/2002 22:24:42
> > i use 8192 (general default) and 1024/fragment
> >
> > will 16384/2048 make general filesystem I/O better?
> Otherwise it depends on what you put on it and how you use it, now doesn't it  :-)

i mean average use like that:
/dev/wd0a    19407477  6423251 12013852    34%  232755  400203    36%   /

making 2048 frags will waste about 512B*232755=about 115MB. but for 19GB
FS i could live with that waste if it will speed things up much.

> > (and waste more space)
> Which also depends on what you put on it too!  :-)
> I've been quite happy using "-b 16384  -f 2048" for squid filesystems,

squid has generally lots of small files.

> but for source code, build products, etc., I'm happier with the default,
> but I'd go up to 16k if I had to support a really large FS.

what is "large" for you?