Subject: Re: clcs audio driver (was "re: MP kernel still dead on-arrival)
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/03/2002 23:00:27
	This is to add my two cents to the frey.  I'm using the clcs driver on my
desktop to drive the on-mother-board sound card under NetBSD 1.5R.  Every
once in a while, it also blows the autoconfig, and, recently, it began
sounding like that 78 scratchy record.  I use it 24x7 and it's been two
months since I rebooted the machine, and the funny sound started happening
after 50 days of continuous use.  I haven't yet rebooted to see if that
fixes the problem, and I have no idea what brought it about.  I just
happened to notice it sounded funny one day.  It almost sounds like some
built-in effect inadvertently got turned on in the chip.  Fiddling with
audioctl and mixerctl had no effect on the sound, and it remains scratchy.
I'll report whether or not a reboot fixes the trouble in the next week or
On Mar 3,  5:41pm, "Perry E. Metzger" wrote:
} Subject: Re: clcs audio driver (was "re: MP kernel still dead on-arrival)
} Marshall Rose <> writes:
} > hi. the last traffic i saw on this thread was late november of last
} > year. has anyone resolved the issues with the clcs audio driver?
} > (i'm at 1.5ZA).
} I suspect port-i386 is a better place for this, but...
} I continue to have some minor problems with the clcs driver on my IBM
} Thinkpad T-20 -- occasionally, if there are lots of short
} open/write/close cycles on the device (typical of things like the
} chimes put out by a couple of programs like gaim) the audio gets
} totally nuked -- starts sounding, for a random period of time, like
} you're listening to a scratchy 78 record. It will stay like that
} across reboots (!) unless I boot windows in between.1 Also, when
} booting, every once in a while the device starts spewing errors and
} nukes autoconfig, forcing a power cycle.
} However, both of these are sufficiently minor that I haven't actually
} spent time looking for the problem myself, and I don't know of others
} who've looked either. My hypothesis is that the device is not being
} fully initialized by the NetBSD code (or re-initialized when the
} device is reset/first opened/etc.)
} --
} Perry E. Metzger
} --
} NetBSD Development, Support & CDs.
>-- End of excerpt from "Perry E. Metzger"