Subject: Re: NetBSD installation
To: None <>
From: Georges Heinesch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/19/2001 06:12:05
Quoting Frederick Bruckman (16-Sep-01 07:57:08):

> On 15 Sep 2001, Georges Heinesch wrote:
>> Quoting Frederick Bruckman (10-Sep-01 02:53:51):
>> >> On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 06:21:48PM +0100, Georges Heinesch
>> >> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > However when booting up from WinNT, PartitionInfo (part of
>> >> > Powerquest's PartitionMagic) reported error:
>> >> >
>> >> > The EndCylinder is past the end of the drive

>> > I let PartitionInfo "fix" my CHS, and though now the CHS
>> > information makes no sense -- both of the partitions that start
>> > after 2G have the exact same CHS -- it doesn't seem to hurt
>> > anything on my modern laptop. (I use the NT boot selector on
>> > Windows 2000.)

>> Sorry Frederick, but I didn't get what you said here. Could you
>> provide some more details about what I should try and why I should
>> do that. With this kind of manipulations, I usually only have one
>> shot.

> At first, I didn't install a boot selector. I intended to change the
> active partition via "fdisk -a" on the NetBSD side, and
> PartitionMagic on the W2K side. It's a long story -- FIPS refused to
> partition the disk, evidently because of the FORMS virus taking up a
> high numbered block, I went for the *big* *hammer* (zeroing out the
> virus with a disk editor, but without properly restoring the Windows
> MBR), and it took me a couple more days with a disk editor to figure
> out what happened and fix it. I finally got to the point where the
> NetBSD boot blocks would boot NetBSD; after "fdisk -a", W2K booted
> fine, but then PartitionMagic said "blah blah blah, do you want to
> fix it", so I clicked yes (I'd already backed up the the first 63
> sectors with "dd"), and that worked.

> Here's the output of "fdisk" (now):

> NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
> cylinders: 16383 heads: 16 sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)

> BIOS disk geometry:
> cylinders: 1022 heads: 240 sectors/track: 63 (15120
> sectors/cylinder)

> Partition table:
> 0: sysid 12 (Primary DOS with 32 bit FAT - LBA)
>     start 63, size 15709617 (7670 MB), flag 0x80
>   beg: cylinder    0, head   1, sector  1
>   end: cylinder 1023, head 239, sector 63
> 1: sysid 15 (Ext. partition - LBA)
>     start 15709680, size 408240 (199 MB), flag 0x0
>   beg: cylinder 1023, head   0, sector  1
>   end: cylinder 1023, head 239, sector 63
> 2: sysid 169 (NetBSD)
>     start 16117920, size 7454160 (3639 MB), flag 0x0
>   beg: cylinder 1023, head   0, sector  1
>   end: cylinder 1023, head 239, sector 63
> 3: <UNUSED>

> Notice that the CHS is simply wrong, especially for partitions 1 &
> 2. I can only speculate that pegging the cylinder at 1023 let's you
> at least boot the 0 partition on certain particular (very old)
> BIOS'. It's obviously not doing anything constructive.

> If you already have a boot selector set up (either Window's or
> NetBSD's), and you don't enjoy mucking with the partition table with
> a disk editor or "dd", I suggest you just leave it alone.

It's not that the system is not running properly so far (it is working
like charm), but there is a very specific problem why I have to fix
this. NetBSD is at the very end of a 43 GB disk (the last 4 GB). I
need to move partitions and resize one of them. The tool I want to use
is PartitionMagic. However PartitionMagic declares the drive as "bad",
dsince the last cylinder entry goes beyong the last physical cylinder.
Hence, I an unable to use PartitionMagic.

I have to get rid of this error before moving or resizing partitions.
That's what all this is about.

This is the error PartitionInfo gives out:

----- cut here -----
Error #109: Partition ends after end of disk.
  ucEndCylinder (5606) must be less than 5606.
Info: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.
  ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 149.
    16,065  0  00  1  1  1  07  1023  254  63  16,128  20,482,812
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
  Actual values are:
    16,065  0  00  1  1  1  07  1275  254  63  16,128  2,0482,812
----- cut here -----

As you see, the last partition end at cyl 5606, but should end at
5605. That's the problem why PartitionMagic declares this disk as

I have no idea how this error was created, I only know that I have to
correct it somehow.

NetBSD works properly. I wonder whether NetBSD uses the wrong value
from the MBR? Any ideas? If not, I could manually set the value right.

Anyother problem is the head number. It should be 254 instead of 149.
I also don't know if both problems are possibly connected.

Any further ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
    PGP RSA & DH/DSS public key on request and on public servers

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