Subject: Re: APCUPSD UPS
To: dkwok <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/27/2001 17:18:40
At 19:15 27.03.01 +1000, dkwok wrote:
>For those who wants to control their UPS I have successfully install NUT 
>to just do that. It is a much easy to use and fully feature package. The 
>magic is that it can be compiled into any OS.

Thanks for the pointer. I have the ancient version of apcupsd from pkg 
running here, but have never gotten client-server to work. There is 
actually a package for NUT: See sysutils/ups-nut.  ;)


Hauke Fath                        Tangro Software Components GmbH
                                         D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Tangro.DE                       Ruf +49-6221-13336-0, Fax -21