Subject: Re: root on md forces single-user flag for init
To: Larry Colen <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/17/2001 20:05:50
On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 01:26:40PM -0800, Larry Colen wrote:
> Does this have anything to do with why when I finally got a CD that
> would boot, it went to the sysinst software?  The funny thing is that
> I can't find sysinst on the cdrom.  I suspect that I need to mount the
> ..fs file as vnd0 or something to find sysinst.

It's just that when you boot from CD it's just as if you booted from floppy
(The bios emulates a floppy with the image you passed to mkisofs).

If you want root on cdrom, you need to build a kernel with root on cd0
in the config file, put it in a boot floppy image and uses this for mkisofs.

Manuel Bouyer <>