Subject: Re: problems with the linux-2.2 version of Netscape-6.0, suse_linux-6.4,
To: NetBSD/i386 Discussion List <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/02/2001 11:46:29
On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> I'm guessing that this might be some kind of problem with the linux
> emulation, perhaps specific to my NetBSD-1.5F kernel, and I'm wondering
> if anyone else has seen anything like this, or knows if it's already
> fixed in -current (or if there's a known fix, but it's not yet in).

	I have the same behaviour under 1.5.1_ALPHA (just a data point)

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --