Subject: Re: SCSI / ATAPI for audio CDs
To: Mark White <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/15/2001 21:45:55
On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 12:36:54AM +0000, Mark White wrote:
> Does anybody have any experience using an ATAPI CD drive for
> digital audio?  The NetBSD misc FAQ informs me:
>     Depending on your drive, the software may or may not
>     support it. Cdparanoia is known to work with a wide
>     range of IDE (ATAPI) and SCSI drives. 
> but both cdd and cdparanoia both seem to want the general
> SCSI interface to work.  Anybody know if they'll work with
> ATAPI, or do I need a SCSI layer of some sort?
> My understanding of the NetBSD scsi interface was that it
> was a transparent top layer which would work with ATAPI
> devices (I gather cdrecord works with ATAPI devices using
> this) ... what am I missing?

Yes, that't it. ATAPI and SCSI are mostly identical, from a top-level POV:
the commands used are almost the same (the length is different but usefull
fields are at the same place :). The low level transport is different, of
course, but this is only visible in the HBA driver and at the bottom
of the mid-layer.

Manuel Bouyer <>