Subject: Re: NMBCLUSTERS exhaustet with 4 NICs?
To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/18/2000 10:49:32
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 09:34:15AM +0100, wrote:
> Looking at PR 9687 (1.4.2 net install doesn't work with 4 NIC cards), I
> wonder if the problem described there is still true for 1.5.
> Can someone take a guess? Should we increase the default NMBCLUSTERS?

At last it depends on the driver. I installed on machines with 6 ThunderLAN +
1 3c509, and another one with 4 tulip 21143 + 1 3c590 without problems.

If I read properly the fxp sources, mbuf allocations are now done
at 'ifconfig up' time, rather than attach time. Even if it's not possible
to use all 4 interfaces at the same time with the default config, it's
possible to install, and then use gdb to bump nmbclusters, or recompile
a kernel.

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 