Subject: Re: Diskless systems
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/01/1999 16:39:26
Matthias Drochner writes:
> There is also some boot ROM code at sys/i386/stand/netboot.
> It works with a 3c905b, I guess it would need only minor
> tweaking to recognize a 905c.
> best regards
> Matthias

Last I looked, sys/i386/stand/netboot couldn't create a ROM image,
as it was too large.  Also, the 'netboot.sym' was not useable by
installboot any longer, as it is missing some symbols that are checked

I would really like to build working ROMs for several of my ethernet
cards.  :) 

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.