Subject: Re: 1.2G problem...
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/24/1997 20:08:49
In some mail I received from Jonathan Stone, sie wrote
> On Thu, 24 Jul 1997 19:18:03 +1000 (EST),
>    Darren Reed <> writes:
> >I've got two 3com 3c900 pci network cards installed, along with a 2940UW
> >and matrox millenium.  problem being PCI doesn't want to allocate an IRQ
> >under 9 to anything so the 2940 and a 3com are conflicting...
> This sucks rocks. I've had similar-sounding problems with
> two 3c595s, and on machines with a 10/100 Ethernet card and gigabit
> NICs.
> The kludge I used is to BIOS-disable either the second serial port,
> the parallel port, any soundcard, or some or all of the above.  With
> enough free IRQs under 9, an Award BIOS (not my choice).

blah, I've got a free IRQ under 9 (5), but neither the SCSI or the
network card get configured there :-(

> Is the sharing problem with the Adaptec?  I have a machine here which
> seem to share two IRQs between two NICS quite happily.  I have
> dc21140-based Ethernet in in now sharing an IRQ with a gigabit NIC,
>  but a couple of months ago it had a 3c595 and that seemed to work
> okay, modulo defining _LOSING_COMPILER.

Well, I assume the problem arises because it's sharing a NIC IRQ with
a SCSI IRQ (the ahc driver reports unknown SCSI commands with hex dumps).

I expected that, but I didn't expect it to shut the thing down because of
a conflict...won't even go single user.
