Subject: Adaptec AIC chips, which to avoid?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/16/1997 23:29:21
[Sorry for posting this essentially off-topic quetsion to the NetBSD
list, but I already exhausted everywhere else I can think of. Adaptec's
own WWW site is horribly broken at the moment, and an Altavista search
didn't turn up anything useful, except it did help me eventually find
the right Adpated WWW page, but that didn't tell me what I wanted to
know. Sigh. But since I first heard of this issue here, I thought I'd
ask here. If it helps, I might endup getting on of these to run NetBSD
on eventually, if it works out. Please reply privately]

A friend is looking at buying a new version of the Asus Triton-II
Pentium board with a AIC7880 onboard. I remembered there being something
about cheapo versions of the AIC chips with fewer SCBs. Is the 7880 one
of them?