Subject: Re: [Lennart Augustsson ] PCMCIA & ATAPI
From: Manuel BOUYER <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/07/1997 09:44:14
On Mar 6, rvb@IGW.TRUST.CS.CMU.EDU wrote
> I picked up the ATAPI code a few weeks back.  It works well.  I was a
> bit of a coward left the original wd.c in to handle my primary IDE
> disk.  So I only use the new code for my secondary IDE channel ==CD-ROM.
> Does anyone use the new ATAPI code for their primary IDE disk?

I use the ATAPI code for my ide disks on all my machines (which have ide
disks :) without any problems.

Manuel Bouyer, MASI, Universite Paris VI.