Subject: Re: reboot problem
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: Wayne Berke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/26/1996 07:05:35
In message <>, "Michael L. VanLoo
n --" writes:
> >Wayne Berke writes:
> >> Should I take this to mean that the chronic reboot problem on i386s has be
> en
> >> fixed for SCSI-based systems in current?
> >
> >I don't know anything about any such problem.
> I've been running SCSI-only on my 486 for over two years.  I've never
> had any chronic reboot problem.

Which means that you *didn't* have any problems with NetBSD 1.0 which I
know does have this problem on some platforms.  What I'd like to know is if
people who did have this problem with 1.0 had it fixed in 1.1 or current.