Subject: pcvt and X
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Kreska <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/22/1995 16:03:49
I got pcvt set up and working.  

I have 2 questions, first after I added the termcap entries for the new
terminals that are supported by pcvt I could not figure out how you get the
termcap.db file to be updated.

Second, I am trying to use X with pcvt and XF86 tells me that it is trying to
use an improper ioctl for the console device.  I browsed the man page for pcvt
and it had one option PCVT_USL_VT_COMPAT which was supposed to allow X.  I
thought this was on by default, so I did not do anything about this.

Any suggestions.
