Subject: cu on 1.0(I386)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Kreska <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/14/1995 13:18:40
I have not been able to connect to any tty ports using cu with version 1.0.  I
have added the local flag in /etc/ttys with no help.  Transcript to follow.

hostname> cu -l /dev/tty01 -s 9600
cu: write: Input/output error


I have had more than one peron tell me that they have the same problem.  What
else can I try.  It might be important to note that I can connect to the port
with kermit and a C program that open's the dev directly.


|Jeff Kreska                   |
|Motorola, Inc.                |
|5555 North Beach Street       |
|Fort Worth, Texas  76137-2794 |