Subject: Re: MI com(4) support patch (Re: hp300 switched to MI SCSI)
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/03/2003 00:31:00
On 02.11.03, 12:06:25, Jason Thorpe wrote:
> On Sunday, November 2, 2003, at 09:12  AM, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
> >Still there is no report of APCI machines (HP425 and HP433?),
> >but I'll commit MI com changes next weekend.
> >(I'm tired to wait ;-p)

The reason I did not test any changes to -current (or 1.6 or even
1.5), is that all the last times I tried, it refused to initialize
my frame buffer console correctly (tested with both Topcat and
Hyperion FBs, with 425t, 433t and 425s), and so I cannot test much
beyond that.

There was a longer thread about trying to narrow it down, but
without much success prior to the 1.5 release.

I'll try again some time later, and probably send-pr is it doesn't
quite work as expected.

> That seems perfectly fine to me.  If it breaks for someone, they can 
> file a PR :-)
>         -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

Bernd Sieker

NetBSD, Net Profit.
		-- Andrew Gillham