Subject: HP 150
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Gelbard <gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/01/1998 00:01:51
        I just scored a HP 150 semi-dumb terminal for $12.50 from goodwill.
Working, excellent, HP keyboard, and a bright, unburnt screen. I realize
this ISNT a hp300 :), but I was wondering if anybody knew anything about these

        Its got an HP-IB port on the back (thus, semi-dumb). I couldnt ID
a CPU inside, maybe some sort of NEC chip...
        It complains about not being able to load an OS, then drops
into dummy mode.

        I've got it working as a dumb term to my i386 box, but what else
can it do? Oh, its also a touch screen...

        Any ideas? Web pages? I cant seem to find jack about it on the net.
Oh, I seem to remember a printer fits above the screen..