Subject: Re: 040 support.
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/14/1994 14:45:03
Working 040 support...  Hmm...

I was hoping to upgrade my 375 (to a 380?) by popping out the 030
daughterboard and sticking in a 33Mhz 040 (that I happen to have lying
around).  This also requires me to change the crystal (which is easy) and
to replace the boot roms (this is the hard part).  Does anyone know how I
can get the proper boot roms for this puppy.  I've been meaning to call HP
and see if they'll sell me just the boot roms.  Any clues/pointers to the
right place in HP to call would be greatly appreciated.



David Carrel				|  E-mail:
Security Development, cisco Systems	|  phone:   (415) 324-5207
P.O. Box 3075, 1525 O'Brien Dr.		|  fax:     (415) 428-5080
Menlo Park, Ca, 94025-1435		|  
