Subject: 2.0 installation issues on RaQ2
To: None <"Reply-To:kilbi">
From: Jurrie Lulofs <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 02/25/2005 04:53:12
Well, I took the big plunge but am not able to get the 2.0 generic kernel 
(from the distribution) to boot.

Here's what I did:
1. used 1.6.1 restore CD to establish a working system on a 4GB drive
2. used 1.6.1 restore CD to install a minimal system on a 160GB drive
3. connected both drives to RaQ2, booting from 4GB drive
4. on 160GB drive left ext2 partition, removed other partitions and
   created a single netbsd partition (divided into separate 
   /, swap, /var and /tmp NetBSD partitions)
5. installed 2.0 kernel and sets on 160GB drive
6. gzipped (-9 !!) 2.0 /usr/mdec/boot loader and replaced the 1.6
   boot loader in the ext2 partition
   (the 1.6 loader gives additional messages about not being able
    to find the symbol table, etc.)
7. reconfigured RaQ2 with just the 160GB drive
8. boot loader is started and loads the /dev/wd0a/netbsd kernel
9. kernel panics during initialization
   (see kernel output below)

I see there are some additional items in the standard kernel compared to 
the 1.6.1 kernel.  Does anyone have a 2.0 kernel that'll boot on a RaQ2 
(or Qube2) that I can try?  Any other ideas?

-----%< cut >%-----
Cobalt Microserver Diagnostics - 'We serve it, you surf it'
Built Wed Mar  3 21:26:25 PST 1999

 1.LCD Test................................PASS
 2.Controller Test.........................PASS
 5.Bank 0:.................................16M
 6.Bank 1:.................................16M
 7.Bank 2:.................................0M
 8.Bank 3:.................................0M
 9.Serial Test.............................PASS
10.PCI Expansion Slot....................**EMPTY**
12.IDE Test................................PASS
13.Ethernet Test...........................PASS
16.RTC Test................................PASS
BOOTLOADER: trying to boot from partition /dev/hda1
Decompressing  done
Decompressing / done.

>> NetBSD/cobalt 2.0 Bootloader, Revision 0.1 [@0x80f00000]
>> (builds@build, Wed Dec  1 02:47:29 UTC 2004)
>> Memory:              32768 k
>> PROM boot string:    root=/dev/hda1 ro
Loading: wd0a:netbsd
2500768+252384 [85488+76831]=0x2c7f6c
Starting at 0x80001000

Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 2.0 (GENERIC) #0: Wed Dec  1 03:01:00 UTC 2004
total memory = 32768 KB
avail memory = 29048 KB
mainbus0 (root)
com0 at mainbus0 addr 0x1c800000 level 3: st16650a, working fifo
com0: console
cpu0 at mainbus0: QED RM5200 CPU (0x28a0) Rev. 10.0 with built-in FPU Rev. 
cpu0: 32KB/32B 2-way set-associative L1 Instruction cache, 48 TLB entries
cpu0: 32KB/32B 2-way set-associative write-back L1 Data cache
panel0 at mainbus0 addr 0x1f000000
gt0 at mainbus0 addr 0x14000000
pci0 at gt0
pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, wr/inv ok
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0: Galileo GT-64111 System Controller, rev 1
tlp0 at pci0 dev 7 function 0: DECchip 21143 Ethernet, pass 4.1
tlp0: interrupting at level 1
tlp0: Ethernet address 00:10:e0:00:38:0e
lxtphy0 at tlp0 phy 1: LXT970 10/100 media interface, rev. 3
lxtphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
siop0 at pci0 dev 8 function 0: Symbios Logic 53c860 (ultra scsi)
siop0: interrupting at irq 4
scsibus0 at siop0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target
pcib0 at pci0 dev 9 function 0
pcib0: VIA Technologies VT82C586 (Apollo VP) PCI-ISA Bridge, rev 39
viaide0 at pci0 dev 9 function 1
viaide0: VIA Technologies VT82C586 (Apollo VP) ATA33 controller
viaide0: bus-master DMA support present
viaide0: primary channel configured to compatibility mode
viaide0: primary channel interrupting at irq 14
atabus0 at viaide0 channel 0
viaide0: secondary channel configured to compatibility mode
viaide0: secondary channel interrupting at irq 15
atabus1 at viaide0 channel 1
VIA Technologies VT83C572 USB Controller (USB serial bus, revision 0x02) 
at pci0
 dev 9 function 2 not configured
tlp1 at pci0 dev 12 function 0: DECchip 21143 Ethernet, pass 4.1
tlp1: interrupting at level 2
tlp1: Ethernet address 00:10:e0:00:38:10
lxtphy1 at tlp1 phy 1: LXT970 10/100 media interface, rev. 3
lxtphy1: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
Kernelized RAIDframe activated
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0INTRF
panic: siop_intr: I shouldn't be there !
Stopped at      netbsd:cpu_Debugger+0x4:        jr      ra
                bdslot: nop
-----%< cut >%-----

