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Re: bootable cdrom for VPS anyone?

Hej again,

> Am 03.12.2023 um 21:21 schrieb oskar%fessel.org@localhost:
> Hej,
> i just aquired a shiny new ARM VPS at netcup.de just to try to get netbsd running on that.
> Seemed straightforward, but turns out, it is not.

And it will be for the forseeable future.

> The system can be set up to boot from cdrom, i used a -current iso from nycdn.netbsd.org.
> Unfortunately, that seems to be ignored on boot, but currently support is not able to verify that.

I built a new image from source and that did indeed boot to the bootloader.

> second question is the consequence of my further tries.   I used the install image to copy that over the virtual disk of that server.  That booted into the bootloader just fine, but when the kernel loads, the VPS-console just displays „Guest disabled display“ - and the support asks me wether the kernel supports "virtio-gpu“.  I did not find any reference in the arm secion of netbsd.

netcup support tinkered around with the images i sent them and came to the same conclusion that Lloyd suggested in a private conversation: the vm expects kernel messages and in effect any interaction with the console using graphics calls to the gpu instead of just a plain text console.  There is no plan on implementing that, currently.  And i think, we don’t plan to implement console over GPU, right?

i really have no expertise on how to setup a bootable image that will autoconfigure the network and allow ssh into a predefined install system.  Has anyone done something like that?


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