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RPI2b v1.1 plcom port


Can anyone confirm the behavior of /dev/plcom0 on a RPI2b V1.1??  I
tried to use the one on mine as a normal and usual tty port and it
didn't seemed to work.  I built a kernel without PLCONSOLE in it and
made sure I used console=fb in config.txt.  I used a known and working
usb to 3.3v serial tty cable cross connected and could not get anything
when using 'cu -l plcom0 -s 9600' and simular thing on the other end.

The actual test was to plug the USB<->ttyserial cable into a USB port on
the RPI and then do:

cu -l /dev/ttyU0 -s 9600 [in one screen]
cu -l /dev/plcom0 -s 9600 [in another screen]

I would have expected to be able to type in one and have characters show
up in the other.. etc.. etc...  should I be able to do this sort of

I don't know if the port actually works as I have not tried to use it as
a console port.

Brad Spencer - brad%anduin.eldar.org@localhost - KC8VKS
http://anduin.eldar.org  - & -  http://anduin.ipv6.eldar.org [IPv6 only]

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