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Re: NetBSD/earm and evbearmv7hf on Cubieboard 2

From: Ryo ONODERA <ryo_on%yk.rim.or.jp@localhost>, Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 07:21:10 +0900 (JST)

> Hi.
> I would like to boot NetBSD/earm and evbearmv7-el -current or netbsd-7
> on my Cubieboard 2.
> I have some errors and my Cubieboard 2 does not boot.
> Ubuntu image works, and I believe my Cubieboard 2 hardware is
> not broken.
> I am using armv7.img or beagleboard.img with the following uEnv.txt.
> bootargs=root=ld0a sysconfig=0x43000000 console=fb
> uenvcmd=mmc dev 0; mmc rescan; fatload mmc 0:1 43000000 cubieboard2.bin; fatload mmc 0:1 82000000 netbsd.ub; bootm 82000000
> bootargs=root=ld0a sysconfig=0x43000000 console=fb
> uenvcmd=mmc dev 0; mmc rescan; fatload mmc 0:1 43000000 cubieboard2.bin; fatload mmc 0:1 82000000 netbsd.ub; bootm 82000000
> My u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin is from
> u-boot-sunxi-cubieboard2-20140413T154240-9167f4b.
> The error messages is here.
> awinmmc0: timeout updating clock
> ld00a: error writing fsbn 26039616 (ld00a bn 26457408; cn 12918; tn 42 sn 0)
> (repeated)
> How about the Cubieboard 2 port status for you?

Ebihara-san's old disk image for allwinner
works fine.

My machine is not broken!

Ryo ONODERA // ryo_on%yk.rim.or.jp@localhost
PGP fingerprint = 82A2 DC91 76E0 A10A 8ABB  FD1B F404 27FA C7D1 15F3

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