Subject: Re: kernel for IQ80310 crashes...
To: John Clark <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-arm
Date: 01/15/2002 18:41:49
On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 02:46:05PM -0800, John Clark wrote:

 > I got the kernel on to the IQ80310 board and now get the following:
 > RedBoot> go 0xa0200000

Hm, did you load this via the Ethernet, or copy it into flash and boot
it from there?

 > obio0 at mainbus0: board rev. F, CPLD rev. A, backplane not present
 > iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80312 Companion I/O, acting as PCI slave

Hm.  Ok, this is different from my IQ80310 setup:

obio0 at mainbus0: board rev. F, CPLD rev. D, backplane present
iopxs0 at mainbus0: i80312 Companion I/O, acting as PCI host

Now, this "is_host" variable is consulted when the i80312 is configured.
In particular, if is_host is false, then the assumption is that we're
plugged into a PCI host that will configure some i80312 paramters as part
of its own PCI bus configuration.  This could be part of the problem.

 > Intel product 0x100d (ethernet network, revision 0x02) at pci0 dev 5 
 > function 0
 > not configured

Which Intel Gig-E is this?  My i82544GC parts have a product ID of 0x100c.

 > root on fxp0
 > nfs_boot: trying DHCP/BOOTP
 > nfs_boot: DHCP next-server:
 > nfs_boot: my_addr=
 > nfs_boot: my_mask=
 > nfs_boot: gateway=
 > panic: lockmgr: draining against myself
 > Stopped in pid 0 (swapper) at   0xa0321d20:[u]vm_fault(0xa0366aec, 
 > a01e0000, 3,
 > 0) -> e

Hm.  This is strange.  Is the physical address space laid out on
your board differently from a stock IQ80310?  Can you please use
gdb to determine what source file/line that PC maps to?  (It maps
to uvm_swap.c:933 in my source tree, but my tree is almost certainly
different from yours, and so it's not very meaningful.)

If you don't have a cross-gdb, you can get one by doing:

    MKCROSSGDB=yes ./ -t -m evbarm ...

('s not built by default...)

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>