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Re: config problems

> I have read man resolv.conf, and I think that I have resolv.conf 
> setup right. So, I guess that it is time to move onto the next 
> problem.

Do you have a full-time Internet connection?

> 1)This is really a small problem, but I would still like to see
> if I could do something about it. I am using a 
> scan doubler/de-interlacer "flicker fixer". So, Netbsd only
> uses part of the screen. I can fix this by typing 
> "iteconfig -w 712 -h 468". But after I reboot I need to type it
> again. Is there away to make it boot with the right
> resolution.

If you have your loadbsd in the s:startup-sequence, then just tack that
onto the end.

> 2)I would really like to start compiling, but I need to know
> what needs to be put into the file /etc/mk.conf. The only thing
> that I have in it is:
> CFLAGS+=-02 -M68060
> COPTS+=-M68060
> I have read the man mk.conf file, but it did not seem to help.
> I have also looked at the file /usr/pkgsrc/mk/mk.conf.example.
> After reading it couple of time the only thing that I found
> was:
> M68060=YES
> Should this also be add to /etc/mk.conf?

-02 WON'T work; that should be an -O2.

Here's my mk.conf:

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think these are what the
options do:
LOCALBASE is easy; that says where the packages get installed by
default. I prefer /usr/local to /usr/pkg.
RSAREF and SSL, but I don't remember specifically what else; it should be
irrelevant since the RSA patents have expired.
CFLAGS implies what default flags should be in any compile; since we have
68060s, that's all I add here (probably exactly the same as M68060=YES)
COPTS implies that these options will be used whenever optimisation is
appropriate, hence the -O2.
COPTFLAGS is for kernel compiling only, according to the mk.conf docs.
The APACHE stuff is somewhat intuitive.

> 3)I have read the docs on compiling a kernel, but still have a
> couple of questions. Do I need compile a new version of config.
> Also does the NetBSD file that is on the Amiga partition need
> to be changed. 

Config? No. Boot kernel on Amiga partition? Yes.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape
at about 30 miles/second.
                -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming

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