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Re: Amiga as a web server

On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 03:54:26PM -0600, jeanie_z wrote:
> I have a 2000 with a GVP-M TekMagic 060
> card with 128 megs of ram, a Ariadne II
> ethernet card, and two 4.5 gig hard drives.
> The hard drives are being run off the
> GVP 060 card. I have looked at your list 
> of supported hardware, and the Ariadne II is
> list but the GVP 060 card  is not list as a
> support scsi controller. However, I think
> that the GVP 060 card uses a 53c710 or 53c770
> controller. Does this mean it will work, or 
> will NetBSD have a problem with the GVP
> Bootroms. (I think that Linux could not see the
> scsi controller because of the GVP bootroms.)


a) thats right, we dont know about that SCSI host yet.
b) I think it should be addable, given a willing guinea
   pig and information by GVP. Maybe even without 
   information by GVP.

If you're interested, mail me (privately) the output
of "showconfig". Also tell me wether its a 770 or 710.
Also tell me all the quartz oszillator frequencies on that
board; we need to know the frequency the scsi chip is
clocked at.


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