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Re: ext2fs partitions on Amiga

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

> >  I was never able to mount ext2 partitions.
> Is there any standard DOSTYPE Linux uses to mark ext2fs partitions in the
> RDB?


In HDToolBox a ext2fs partition is set up as 0x4c4e5800
A linux swap partition is set up as 0x53575000

> So the preferred solution add the ext2fs RDB type to the translation table.

Well, it's there.

 Kolbjørn Barmen |   a3k/o6o/6o4e/AmigaOS/MacOS/Linux-PPC   |    // T e a m
 <kolla%nvg.org@localhost> | a12ooCT/o3o/Linux-m68k  a6oo/o3o/AmigaOS | \XX/ A 
 Nettverksgruppa |    "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." | <amiga.nvg.org>
             »» Norwegian University of Technology and Science ««

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