Subject: Re: KDE - how?
To: NetBSD <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/25/1999 14:02:56
On 25.01.99, 13:40:47, Richard Koerber wrote:
> Hi!
> Wow, finally I managed to install NetBSD and X11. Not bad for
> a NetBSD newbie like me (I am used to well-configured and
> administrated Un*x systems, never did those things myself).
> Now I want to install KDE, but somehow I failed awfully.
> Is there some kind of FAQ that explains how to install it?
> What packages do I need? What files do I have to change?

It's as simple as this: get and unpack a recent pkgsrc distribution,


  cd /usr/pkgsrc/x11/kde
  make install

in a root shell.

That should fetch, unpack, patch, configure, build and install all
needed packages for kde.

If you don't have internet connectivity, you can

  make fetch-list

as a first step, which will make a sh-script to fetch all the needed
source archives not yet present on your system. (Typically rather a
lot for kde.)

Then, in your .xinitrc or .xsession file, replace the call of the
window manager (twm or fvwm2 or whatever) with calls to start kfm,
kpanel and kwm.

If you use xdm, you might consider replacing it with kdm, take a look
at the files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/.

> --
> Richard Körber

Bernd Sieker

Windows. Just say No.