Subject: Re: aucc with 14bit output
To: Bernardo Innocenti <>
From: Thorsten Frueauf <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/10/1999 23:34:02

> some more input formats (supports 8/16bit, signed/unsigned,
> big/little endian, linear/alaw). The device can also do 14bit
> stereo output.

Sounds nice :)

>  How can I commit my contribution into the cvs repository? I've
> already sent it to the Amiga port maintainer, but I still got
> no acknoledge.

I would suggest sending it via send-pr(1) to the gnats db. This also
ensures that it does not get forgotten and adds the possibilitiy that
another developer than the port-maintainer picks it up and reviews/adds
it. Maybe a diff to the current version in the src tree would be nice.
If its too big, maybe just note a pointer to an online version.

   Name  : Thorsten Frueauf            Milano@irc cri@onaliM       //
   E-Mail: oder     \X/