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RE: Installing NetBSD1.32 without install script

On 12-Oct-98, Dwight Pollock wrote:
> When you go to extract the sets do you get to point where it asks what type
> of filesystem you want to use?  What are you trying to extract the sets from
> (cd, harddrive, tape)?  The script I agree leave a little to be desired and
> I had a problem when I recently installed 1.3.2 myself.  However I kept at
> it and was successful.  There should be nothing in the script to crash
> NetBSD though or at least I never had that problem.  Make sure you print out
> the install script that is with the archive and then when you get to the
> point that you have a problem let us know what step you are on.  There is a
> good set of articles on how to install NetBSD running in "Amazing Amiga"  I
> have clipped all of the articles out and made my own NetBSD binder out of
> them along with the install scripts and stuff.  In the Install text there a
> couple of times that you have finish one section of the install ant then
> halt and reboot with a different loadbsd option.  Anyway I am rambling on.
> Let us know the answers to the question I have asked and we will try to
> help.

Here is a step by step explanation of what i have been doing installing

After using xstreamtodev (to copy the miniroot to swap)

I boot the miniroot filesystem with:

loadbsd -bpZ netbsd 

(NetBSD will only boot on my system using the -pZ options)

after this netbsd boots up and I start the install procedure.
the install script copies the miniroot to sd0a (my root partition) and then
configures sd0b (sawp) as the swap partition.

I also configure the network, all goes well until It's time to get the sets.

I use the option to load sets from local disk and get to the proper

The install script then gives me a list of sets availible to extract and I
answer "yes" to continue extraction.

I am prompted for the first set name or to press enter for base.tgz. I press
enter and the system hangs, input is printed to the screen but nothing else

I have tried all the sets to test if perhaps one was currupted and unless all
my sets are currupted then thats not the problem. I also tried to not set up
the network, and also no change in result. 

This is where i am stuck. From looking at the install script i gather that the
script crashes right when it tried to extract the base.tgz script. I have
directly typed the extract command for base.tgz in the shell and there is no
crash, but of course it complains when it gets to the files to go into /usr
coz its not mounted. 

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