Subject: Re: CV64/3D kernel
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/02/1997 21:51:16
Hi Julien,

> i'm the lucky owner of an a1200,
> with blizz 040/40/32 Mb RAM and Cybervision 64 3D.
> I'm looking for a netbsd kernel that supports my gfx
> board. (and if possible an X server too)
> Till now, I'm using netbsd 1.1, but I've downloaded
> the 1.3 alpha release.

How do you have the cv64/3d connected? Do you have a Zorro-III or
a Zorro-II bus?

CV64/3d in a Zorro-III bus should have worked with the NetBSD-1.3_ALPHA
binary snapshot. the Zorro-II bus was disabled for some time (until it
could be verified), and it might have been too late for the ALPHA binary
snapshot, but it certainly is in the sources and should be there for the
BETA and the final.

	Ignatios Souvatzis
	Ignatios Souvatzis