Subject: rgb.txt, motif
To: Port Amiga <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patryk =?iso-8859-2?Q?=A3ogiewa?= <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 09/09/1997 10:22:07

This question I've already asked once upon a time but it is still not solved.
It is the colour database. As NetBSD seems to happily ignore the standard
rgb.txt file and uses some kind of a compiled version of it. I would like to
know what should I type after the word "man" ? :-) In other words what command
is responsible for the compilation of rgb.txt?

Another question I would like to ask is about Motif. AFAIK it's copyrighted
and thus not available to NetBSD community. Is that true? On the other hand
I've read few times about so-called lesstif as a freely distributable
replacement to Motif. Again the question: Am I right with that? If both
answers are YES than the third question is: Is lesstif worth trying to compile
e.g. nedit with it? If the answer to either of previous questions is negative,
could anyone direct me to a proper way of getting nedit on to my NetBSD setup?

The last thing is about xfm. When being compiled it asked about alloca.h
include file. I compiled it in two ways. Once I gave it the alloca.h from
another (IRIX) machine and second way of compiling was to comment out the
'#include alloca.h' line in the source. Both ways gave me the xfm executable.
The only problem is that when getting one level deeper in the Applications
window and then trying to get back (with the "back" button), xfm quits with a
message "Error: cannot realloc()". The same source compiled under IRIX works
without any hassles. Does anybody know what can be done about it? Since I
commented out the alloca.h include I got no compilation errors so I assume
that it is not used for any purpose inside the code. (?)

TNX in advance.

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