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Re: reRe: EOF in ksrc12


> >Please tell us exactly(!) which error occured and try a cat krsrc12.??
> >kaputtfile.tar.gz
> >in order to find out what happens. If this step was successful you can do a
> >tar -zxvf kaputtfile.tar.gz
> >Please write down every single error and send it to port-amiga@...
> i got the-( kindly by -is / thanx)- hint to  compare the checksum-file with
> the archives, which i did and i found the error : last archiv ksrc12.bj was
> downloaded with a wrong size....which i downloaded again, and tar worked fine
> now...

As this is not the first time this has happened, does anybody with src-tree
access (Bernd, Klaus, Ignatios) care to put this line : 

> cksum *.?? | diff - CKSUM

into the install documents, explaining what to do when you get an EOF unpacking
things. AFAIK, only the Amiga-port uses the splitted files, so it should only
go into the Amiga part of the install. If other architectures use it as well,
then putting it into the MI-part makes more sense. Thanx.

> sorry for talking german, someone moaned about it....won't do it again...

Hmm, somehow I don't really believe that :-)


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