Subject: NetBSD1.1 Amiga install probs
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manfred Matzinger <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/29/1996 19:53:00

I like to install NetBSD1.1 from the "Gateway! Vol. 2" CD to my Syquest 270S of
my A1200 with Blizzard 1230II (68030/50, 68882/50, SCSI-Kit).

All partitions are set up correctly and I can mount AmigaDOS and my CD-ROM, but
I'm unable to decrunch the main program sets (e.g. base11.??), which are
included in form of gzip-tar archives.

I tried different methods:

1) Booting from CD: The boot script does not set up my /usr partition and shows
"can't shift that many. d is not a valid input" after asking for the location
for the /usr partition.

2) Booting from a Miniroot Swap-partition: In this case /usr is mounted
correctly (?) as /mnt/usr and I can also mount my CD-ROM and AmigaDOS. But if I
try to install base11 from CD-ROM or from AmigaDOS (I simply copied the files)
with "Extract base11", the installation starts, but stops after a few (10 - 20)
files without any output. If I press Control-C in this state, the "^C" is shown
on the screen, but nothing else happens...

3) So I joined the base11-pieces under AmigaDOS and decrunched them with gzip. I
was able to dearchive the resulting tar-files under AmigaDOS without any
problems. But if I cd to the directory /mnt under NetBSD and enter "tar xvf
/mnt/ados/base11", the dearchiving stops after a few files. If I press Control-C
in this state, the "^C" is shown on the screen, but nothing else happens...

4) I also tried all 3 methods shown above with partitions on a IBM-DPES1080, but
the results were the same :-(

Any ideas what's happening? What else shall I try?

Is a partition mounted wrong? Are the archives joined wrong, because installing
"etc11.aa" is working? May an upgrade to version 1.2 help?

Do you need more information?

         Best regards
           Manfred Matzinger

"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June, 1972
|Manfred Matzinger   PGPKey:Servers or eMail-subj."PGPREQUEST" IRC-Nick: Matzi|
|Brenekgasse 2   Beep:0666/980421YourNr#1   Tel,FAX on request:(+43)2252/24331|
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