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Re: "reboot" on A3000 ? (colors)

I have some additional information finally.

I still haven't had the time to pour through the kernel source.  However,
I have it on excellent authority that there is a way to make any Amiga
with a RAMSEY chip reboot as if it was just powered up, right down to the
scrambled memory contents.

It turns out that Michael Sinz mentioned a way to do this.  There is an
undocumented bit in RAMSEY that needs to be twiddled just prior to calling
the cold boot vector in the ROMS.  I am not informed as to which bit it
is.  I will get that info soon.

The advantage to this approach is that you can get RAMSEY to control the
hardware reset, thereby causing the SCSI chips, along with all the other
chips, to do a reset identical to the power-up reset.  Cool.

The reason that keyboard resets almost always work is because the keyboard
is capable of toggling the hardware reset line if need be.  Just hold down
C-A-A for about 10-12 seconds.

In any case, the reboot sequence in NetBSD is probably doing everything
right except for setting the bit in RAMSEY.  Perhaps we can clear up these
problems once and for all with a little bit twiddle!

Bruce Drake
Synectics, Inc.
(919) 872-1275 USA

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