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(was) booting directly into ..... + POP/UUCP - questions


thank you all for your help concerning the bffs-filesystem. Now
I can boot from my root-partition, but s/startup-sequence isn't
started automatically 'cause it isn't found. I think its a
problem of case sensitivity of file-/pathnames. Does anybody know
how to 'spell' s/startup-sequence correctly.

I use popclient to get mails from a pop3 server, pine to read them.
Can you tell me how to configure sendmail/pine.. to send mails via
the popclient program or must I install UUCP?

semmel%lise.physik.tu-berlin.de@localhost                  ======= 
http://www.physik.tu-berlin.de/~semmel/          ||| |||
fax: 02561/91371-6667

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