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Re: Issues with Firefox 26 and sound (html5 videos)

On 21 January 2014 12:00, Ryo ONODERA <ryo_on%yk.rim.or.jp@localhost> wrote:
> I can watch your video correctly with sound with firefox-26.0nb1 under
> NetBSD/amd64 6.99.29.

> If your video's progress bar cannot progress, pulseaudio does not
> work properly in many cases.
> $ pulseaudio --kill

This first command generates this:
bash-4.2$ pulseaudio --kill
W: [(null)] core-error.c: Unable to convert error string to locale, filtering.
E: [(null)] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process

> $ pulseaudio --cleanup-shm
> $ pulseaudio --start

The other two trigger no complaints, but nothing changes in terms of
progress bar, even killing FF and restarting it. I've also tried in
safe-mode, no joy.

> And pulseaudio 2.1.nb12 or earlier is not stable, especially second
> invocation of pulseaudio causes hang of pulseaudio.
> You can confirm your pulseaudio version.

 It's pulseaudio-2.1nb13.

> V8/V9/Vorbis codecs are built in firefox 26.0.
> And if you want to play H.264 or other videos, you can use gstreamer 0.10
> codecs to play H.264 or other videos.

I have gstreamer 0.10 installed already.

If it works on your system, there must be something wrong in my
configuration then.


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